Seaweed Benefits, Calorie - Good food for pregnant women

Seaweed Nutrition

Seaweed Benefits
Seaweed (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionIron, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium
Main BenefitsVascular health promotion and immunity improvement
Side EffectsExacerbation of hyperthyroidism when excessive intake

Seaweed is a form of algae growing in the sea. There are several types and usually contain a lot of healthy minerals that are easy to break down in the body. Add seaweed to the diet can help thyroid function, digestive health and weight loss.

2. Seaweed Benefits

Stir fried Seaweed

1. Improved thyroid function

The thyroid gland controls and emits hormones for energy production, growth and cell recovery. Iodine deficiency is one of the causes of hypothyroidism. The seaweed is rich in iodine. Eating iodine can help prevent or improve hypothyroidism.

2. Venue health

The seaweed contains Karagi Nan, Hancheon and Fucoidan. This serves as a prebiotics that supplies healthy bacteria in the digestive tract, and an indigestible fiber. Sulfide polysaccharides promote the growth of good bacteria and increase short -term fatty acids that keep the intestinal inner walls healthy.

3. Heart health

Seaweed is a good source of fiber. Water -soluble fiber is combined with cholesterol to remove out the body through waste. In addition to reducing cholesterol, seaweed can help lower blood pressure due to potassium content. Folic acid in seaweed also reduces the risk of stroke by lowering homocysteine levels.

4. Diet

The seaweed contains a lot of fiber without calories. This can slow food from the stomach, which can feel full of satiety longer and slow hunger. It also contains fucozantin that increases metabolism, which can help you lose weight.

5. Blood sugar control

Fiber -rich foods like seaweed can help diabetes. This is because a large amount of fiber helps to control blood sugar levels and insulin levels. In addition, seaweed contains fucotantin, an antioxidant. Antioxidants can help to improve blood sugar and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

3. Seaweed soak in water

4. Seaweed Side Effect

  • Excessive intake of seaweed can make the symptoms of hyperthyroidism due to seaweed iodine ingredients.

  • Excessive intake of seaweed may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and more.

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