Sweet Potato Amazing 4 Benefits, Calories

Sweet Potato Nutrition

Sweet Potato Benefits
Sweet Potato (100g) Nutrition
Main NutritionBeta -carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E
Main BenefitsEye health and anticancer effect
Side EffectsIt is necessary to take care of the urinary tract stones. In the morning, only a small amount

Sweet potatoes are sweet, starch -rooted root vegetables grown around the world. Sweet potatoes are highly nutritious, rich in fiber, high satiety and delicious. You can boil, bake, steam or fry. It is provided in various sizes and colors such as orange, white, and purple, and is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.

2. Sweet Potato Benefits

Sweet Potato

1. Eye Health

Sweet potatoes are rich in beta -carotene, an antioxidant. Beta -carotene is used to form a receptor that detects light in the eye by switching to vitamin A in the body. Serious vitamin A deficiency can lead to a special type of blindness known as dry eye. Eating beta -carotene -rich foods like sweet potatoes can help prevent this condition.

2. anticancer effect

Sweet potatoes are a great source of beta -carotene. This is a plant that acts as a powerful antioxidant in the body. Beta -carotene is also provitamine. The body converts it into an active vitamin A. Antioxidants can help reduce the risk of cancer, including prostate cancer and lung cancer. Antioxidant such as beta -carotene can help prevent cell damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals.

3. Brain health

Sweet potatoes also contain compounds that help the brain function, including cholin and manganese. Colin is an essential nutrient for the growth and development of the brain and is a synthesis of neurotransmitter acetylcholine that delivers messages between cells. Manganese is also important for brain health. It combines with neurotransmitter to help to move electrical stimuli faster through the body. In addition, the anthocyanins of sweet potatoes may also have the characteristics of improving memory.

4. Gastrointestinal health

Sweet potatoes also include minerals such as magnesium, which are rich in digestive fibers and helps to improve digestion. Due to the presence of starch, sweet potatoes are very easy to digest and reduce the possibility of constipation and other digestion problems. Sweet potatoes also contain composite vitamins, vitamins C, calcium, potassium and beta -carotene, which helps to effectively treat gastric ulcers. Sweet potatoes have a high dietary fiber content, making them bulky and easily discharged. Sweet potatoes prevents gas formation and constipation to reduce acid formation and ulcers.

3. Sweet Potato How to steam

4. Sweet Potato Side Effect

  • Potassium in sweet potatoes helps to discharge sodium, but it can burden the kidneys when consumed excessive intake, so if you have poor kidney, you should be careful when eating.

  • Sweet potatoes’ oxalic acid can be the cause of urinary stones, and people with urinary troops should be careful to consume.

  • When eating on an empty stomach, it has a lot of sugar content, which can put a burden on the stomach. It is recommended to eat a small amount for breakfast.

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